Sunday, May 13, 2012

8 Months Old...

It has been a busy month!
We have been very active in all this beautiful weather!
On the weekends, Mommy, Daddy, & Delilah have been going to the beach and renting bikes! 
Delilah rents a baby trailer and we attach it to our bike, so we can all ride around.
We like to bike to Venice, and up the Santa Monica Beach coast.
It is so much fun!
Sometimes after our bike ride, we stop by the playground in Santa Monica to swing.
Here is our first family playground trip...
It was very sunny out! We made sure to cover up and use our baby sunblock that day!

We also tried out the slide for the first time!
Here is Mommy & Delilah going for a slide!

Now it's Daddy & Delilah's turn...

They made it! YAY!

After all that biking and playing, we always stop by the Google LA office for a cold drink.
Here is Delilah checking out Daddy's desk...
I think she likes it!

And Delilah's favorite part at Daddy's work...
The giant fish aquarium!

She loves looking at all the pretty colorful fish! 

When Daddy is working, Mommy & Delilah like to go have fun, too!
We especially love swinging by the Ocean.
Here is Delilah swinging in front of the Pacific Ocean at the Santa Monica Beach...
What a doll!

And a big happy smile...

7 Months Old...

Happy New Year!
Delilah has officially made it into another year on the calendar!

"A mother's treasure is her daughter." -Catherine Pulsifer

Delilah began eating baby foods this month!
We have been practicing so much, tt is so cute to watch her try to "slurp" the food from the spoon.  It takes practice.
So far, she seems to like carrots, peaches, and green beans.
She is not too fond of peas! Who is?!

She has continued to hit the 75% + percentile on her height, she is pretty tall for her age!
Her weight stays in the 45%-50% percentiles.
And her head remains in the 75% percentile, too!
Tall, blue eyes, and a big brain! Yes!

Her sleep patterns are really starting to become normal. 
She has been sleeping from about 9-10pm until about 8am. Yay for all of us!

We have also been taking the stroller down to the beach for walks since the weather has been pretty nice.
She is a really good girl on our walks.

We celebrated her Aunt Amber's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, too!
It was so much fun! 
Here she is trying to drink from her Chuck E. Cheese cup with a straw...

She also made her debut appearance on television! What a star!

Daddy took her on a pony ride, too! 
They won first place in the derby!

She is still bald as can be!
It is adorable...

6 Months Old...

Half a year old already!
So many great things happened this month, too.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and our first professional photos!

Delilah got her FIRST TEETH!
They came in around December 5th, 2011.

She has been rolling over onto her back, and she can sit up with no assistance. 
She also loves to stand up when I hold her hands, or when she can lean against something...

She also attended her very first birthday party!
It was her friend Scarlett's 1st birthday.
Here was her outfit for the party...

Her 3rd set of vaccinations were this month...
DTaP, Hep B, Hib, Pneumo, Polio, Rota.
Here is her booboo...
But she didn't cry much. She is always so brave!

Delilah got her first professional photographs taken, too!
They were Christmas specials...

And my favorite...

She had a really great Christmas! 
She helped Mommy make homemade ornaments for the tree...

She found Santa's sleigh at Roadhouse...

AND Santa came to visit her because she was such a good girl!!!

Look at all the presents Delilah got!...

5 Months Old...

Wow! So much happened this month! Where to begin...
Delilah got her 2nd set of vaccinations this month...
DTaP, Hep B, Hib, Pneumo, Polio, and Rota.

Here she is before the shots...

She did so well again, as soon as I held her she stopped crying.

We also bought another new toy!
The jumper...
She LOVES to jump around in it, she will laugh and jump over and over! She also likes to play with little toys and rattles on the tray.

We also celebrated our FIRST HALLOWEEN as a family of three!
We dressed up as Ketchup, Mustard, & a Hot Dog...
Delilah even got to visit Daddy's work at Google LA for Halloween, and we all wore our costumes for the costume party!

4 Months Old...

So much has happened this month!
Delilah is working on her smile now...
And other facial expressions...

She has been very social, she likes to interact with us a lot and is interested in what we are doing!

Here she is about to attend her first house-warming party for our neighbors Dore & Ryan. She was very observant and social with everyone at the party, she was watching everyone and seemed interested in all the people...

3 Months Old...

Delilah is growing and changing so quickly...

That is her sitting up in her swing... aka her bed! Yes, her bed. It started out as a borrowed toy from her Aunt Sara, and it has now become her official "sleep spot."
I was worried at first, I even asked her Doctor if that was okay... but as long as she is sleeping well and safely, she can sleep anywhere that works.
So when it's nap time or night time, she goes in the swing, I turn the melody on and set the speed to "high" and she sleeps deeper than anywhere else.

We also got another new toy...
The Snugli! Our new best friend.
Delilah absolutely LOVES her Snugli, she loves to feel close to Mommy or Daddy and watch the world as we are doing chores, errands, walking, etc. We picked this up from WalMart for like $20 and it has been one of the greatest purchases thus far! If I am doing laundry, walking to the store, going to the park, shopping on 3rd Promenade... she is right there with me, watching. It is awesome!

Here we are going a walk to Twist for some Fro-Yo... she only cried because Mommy insisted we stop for a picture!

Delilah also made a big step this month in diapers. She is officially in Size 2 diapers now! 

And she's tries to sit up now! Here is a picture of her trying to sit up in her Boppy...
That is Jelly she is holding. My Mom mailed Jelly to me for Delilah to have, she was my favorite doll when I was a little girl!

Lately she has been putting her hands up to the face when we put the attention on her, almost like she is being shy... she looks so sweet...

Here she is again in her bassinet, she looks just like a little angel...

Month 2...

Once everyone got adjusted to parenthood and babyhood... things got much easier.
We sort of had a schedule, and usually knew what particular cries meant.

Delilah was blossoming into the most beautiful baby girl I'd ever seen.
And I honestly don't think that because she is mine! That sounds so cliche... but it's true.
She was so perfect.
Here she is in the dress Papa Chula (Ryan's Dad) gave her:

She looked like a baby doll. I remember walking down the street with her against my chest and someone said they mistook her for a baby doll for a second. She was flawless.

She likes to stick out her tongue a lot, I believe it is a reflex.
Here is a picture of her sticking it out while I take a picture...

I liked getting into the 2nd month because I felt comfortable dressing her up in her clothes. She has so many cute things to wear, but I felt like plain cotton onesies were most comfortable while she was a newborn. So being able to dress her up more often was very nice!
Since she was a little more active, Ryan enjoyed being able to hold her while I did things around the house...

We also hit another big milestone...
Her first bath! 
Not a sponge bath, a REAL bath in her little bathtub.
As you can see, she did not enjoy it one bit. BUT after the first one, she began to LOVE bath time! She loves kicking her legs and splashing in the water.

One of the major events this month was her first set of vaccination shots
The dTaP, Hep B, Hib, Pneumo, Polio, and Rota!
I believe it was 2 shots in one thigh, 1 shot in the other thigh, and 1 oral vaccine.
Here she is just before we got the, such a brave girl!
 She did so well!

 And, unfortunately, the day came for Ryan to return back to work after baby-bonding-time. 
Since we weren't quite on his schedule, Delilah & I played for a little while as Ryan slept... 
I put her in a basket just for fun and she fit with plenty of room!

The First Month...

What an eventful time! 
Everyone is making adjustments... baby, Mommy, AND Daddy! 
Getting adjusted to our new lifestyles was probably the hardest part. 
Ryan was fortunate enough to get "baby bonding" time-off, an 8-week vacation for Google employees who just had a new baby. Having him at home was so incredibly crucial, he helped me out as we both learned our new-found roles of parenthood.

I planned to breastfeed for as long as possible, and was very happy when we learned how to "latch on" at the hospital. I really enjoyed our bonding time while feeding, it made me feel close to her, and made her feel safe and comforted.

I would describe the first month as one big game of "what's wrong?" We had a checklist... first change diaper, next feed, next burp, and if we were lucky... sleep. 

Lots of new changes happened that first month!
Her eyes opened up and she revealed her beautiful, big baby blue eyes:

She also became more mobile and aware of her surroundings...

We had to figure out her sleep preferences. She didn't care for the bassinet unless she was "hugged" by the Boppy, so we found that if we let her fall asleep in our arms and then laid her in her bouncer, she would stay asleep. 
But, of course, she always slept best by her Mommy: