Sunday, May 13, 2012

Month 2...

Once everyone got adjusted to parenthood and babyhood... things got much easier.
We sort of had a schedule, and usually knew what particular cries meant.

Delilah was blossoming into the most beautiful baby girl I'd ever seen.
And I honestly don't think that because she is mine! That sounds so cliche... but it's true.
She was so perfect.
Here she is in the dress Papa Chula (Ryan's Dad) gave her:

She looked like a baby doll. I remember walking down the street with her against my chest and someone said they mistook her for a baby doll for a second. She was flawless.

She likes to stick out her tongue a lot, I believe it is a reflex.
Here is a picture of her sticking it out while I take a picture...

I liked getting into the 2nd month because I felt comfortable dressing her up in her clothes. She has so many cute things to wear, but I felt like plain cotton onesies were most comfortable while she was a newborn. So being able to dress her up more often was very nice!
Since she was a little more active, Ryan enjoyed being able to hold her while I did things around the house...

We also hit another big milestone...
Her first bath! 
Not a sponge bath, a REAL bath in her little bathtub.
As you can see, she did not enjoy it one bit. BUT after the first one, she began to LOVE bath time! She loves kicking her legs and splashing in the water.

One of the major events this month was her first set of vaccination shots
The dTaP, Hep B, Hib, Pneumo, Polio, and Rota!
I believe it was 2 shots in one thigh, 1 shot in the other thigh, and 1 oral vaccine.
Here she is just before we got the, such a brave girl!
 She did so well!

 And, unfortunately, the day came for Ryan to return back to work after baby-bonding-time. 
Since we weren't quite on his schedule, Delilah & I played for a little while as Ryan slept... 
I put her in a basket just for fun and she fit with plenty of room!

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