Sunday, May 13, 2012

The First Month...

What an eventful time! 
Everyone is making adjustments... baby, Mommy, AND Daddy! 
Getting adjusted to our new lifestyles was probably the hardest part. 
Ryan was fortunate enough to get "baby bonding" time-off, an 8-week vacation for Google employees who just had a new baby. Having him at home was so incredibly crucial, he helped me out as we both learned our new-found roles of parenthood.

I planned to breastfeed for as long as possible, and was very happy when we learned how to "latch on" at the hospital. I really enjoyed our bonding time while feeding, it made me feel close to her, and made her feel safe and comforted.

I would describe the first month as one big game of "what's wrong?" We had a checklist... first change diaper, next feed, next burp, and if we were lucky... sleep. 

Lots of new changes happened that first month!
Her eyes opened up and she revealed her beautiful, big baby blue eyes:

She also became more mobile and aware of her surroundings...

We had to figure out her sleep preferences. She didn't care for the bassinet unless she was "hugged" by the Boppy, so we found that if we let her fall asleep in our arms and then laid her in her bouncer, she would stay asleep. 
But, of course, she always slept best by her Mommy:

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